Alien invasion drawing
Alien invasion drawing



In the Eureka Seven TV series, the Scub Coral drove humanity off of Earth for 10,000 years (unintentionally) when it arrived.The alien wizard Babidi and his minions, a couple of whom are also aliens, sneak onto Earth to retrieve and revive Babidi's father's Living Weapon Majin Buu.Another notable example: Janemba mixes up the Living World and Other World, causing the villains who were killed earlier to invade Earth, including the Big Bads and their respective armies.Paragas and his army invaded some planets his son Broly destroyed them anyway.The former almost kills everything on Earth with a World Tree, and the latter actually has a real army and freezes the planet by darkening the sky with black clouds. Most notable are the invader groups of Turles and Lord Slug.


This scenario happens in some of the Non Serial Movies.Goku's arrival on Earth was supposed to be an alien invasion/genocide until he hit his head and forgot his mission.Frieza's arrival on Earth with his army in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ∟’ is explicitly called an invasion.The Grand Elder also dies permanently not long after his revival. However, all the Namekians are revived, anyway, except for those killed by Vegeta, since he's no longer acting as one of Frieza's men, and Nail, who, having fused with Piccolo, all but ceases to exist. They kill almost every Namekian, except for some who are killed by Vegeta and the Grand Elder who dies of old age, but his death is accelerated by Frieza's invasion, and Nail is left the only survivor. After hearing about the Dragon Balls, Frieza and his minions invade Namek and steal the ones there in a very brutal way.Unlike Raditz, who's looking for his brother Kakarot/Goku, Vegeta and Nappa just want to find the Dragon Balls. A year after that, Vegeta and Nappa invade the earth and destroy a city immediately. Subverted in Dragon Ball Z, with Raditz being the first invader and being killed by Piccolo and Goku anyway.However, the death by poisoning of their Emperor and the belief of Terrans had assassinated him changed that. In Daimos, the Brahmins (an alien race of Winged Humanoids) had no intention of invading Earth and wanted negotiating a peaceful settlement.The manga milks these for all it's worth. Cannon God Exaxxion's invasion draws some (narratively intentional) parallels to 19th-century colonialism.They do not speak, have no discernible personality, and don't even look like living things - which is appropriate, since it's questionable whether viruses in Real Life are even alive. Viruses, meanwhile, are presented as Starfish Aliens that cause a Zombie Apocalypse by hijacking cells. By contrast, bacteria - being cells foreign to the body - span myriads of monstrous forms, but are still able to speak and have their own personalities, representing the fact that just like our own cells, they are still living organisms. All of the human cells are represented as humans. In Cells at Work!, bacteria and viruses are effectively presented as alien invaders.The Brave Fighter of Legend Da-Garn: One being launched against Earth is what causes it to select Seiji to awaken the Braves from their slumber.After the Big Bad was destroyed in the first season finale, the next two seasons had extradimensional aliens as their main villains. Today, similar themes are found in techno-thrillers, and crop up in works like Red Dawn (1984) and The Tomorrow Series, where similar feelings of dread at being dominated by a foreign and advanced enemy proliferate. Xenophobia would often play up the foreigness of said foreign empires with the aliens in The War Of The Worlds themselves being an allegory for imperialist powers invading and exploting supposedly "inferior people", the narrator noting that the Martian invasion wasn't so different from what Britain was doing around the world itself. It was actually a variation on another theme popular at the time, the " invasion story", where another country's army, usually France or Germany (depending on who relations were worse with at the time), would try to conquer Britain. This trope, in its modern form, was created by H. The Infiltration is especially popular as a metaphor for the Red Scare. Often an allegory for some Earth-based conflict, either one that's happened in the past or one that people fear may happen.

Alien invasion drawing